Great Party, too hung over to write, got to go to work
More later
Now is Later:
Quick review of last night. 8 pm waiting at Planet Thailand for Minimalism et al to arrive. (They were caught in wicked tunnel traffic bringing the Phiili bunch in, well worth the wait!) Meet obsidity from SF, some reporter, uncognizant, fentopal and a bunch of great people from Philadelphia. I even got to meet Alexis from Philly, the SG with a thing for my man PeeWee Herman and I also met SuicideAlex. SuicideAlex rocks BTW. RacerX taught us how to eat the eyes out of a fish head with great grace and aplomb! Better him than me! And Stiles and I had a great talk re just about everything! Plus there were other people whose names I cannot remeber in my still hung over state, but hope to later!
Felt like I was at a SGPhilly event, but thats cool becuase they were.
Had to split to the East Side for a roommates Bday where I was a Santa. BTW, walk in a bar as Santa, people will buy you drinks!
Then around 1, head back to Brooklyn to walk many blocks to a great party. Walk in as Santa and pass out gifts. Dance, drink and meet great folks. Best part was I got to be Santa, then change into street clothes and talk about how lame that Santa was, without anyone knowing it was me! lol (Actually I said how great I was, but that is not as funny!) Freyja had this great dress that was ripped in two and sewn together by faeries in one evening! And I think she started the no pants rule, but I am not sure. I know she paddled my bottom at one point, amybe that where the no pants rule started! All I know is that I chickend out, but my man Skryche saved the day by following the rule for both of us!
Subway it home to crash (and hard!) at 4 am, to get at at 10 to be Santa in Bryant Park. Long story short, great kids, little money.
Drinks in Time Square, start walking home in Santa Suit. People stop me to take pictures. I say, the pictures are free but donations are accepted. Me and my buddy make 50 bucks in an hour! LIFE IS GOOD
Back again tommorrow to make some more dough.
O yea, Santess from SantaCon called in sick on our date tonight. Bad News for me. Gave me a shot to learn about Time Square. Good News for me.
Why won't my Temp agency call?

Now is Later:
Quick review of last night. 8 pm waiting at Planet Thailand for Minimalism et al to arrive. (They were caught in wicked tunnel traffic bringing the Phiili bunch in, well worth the wait!) Meet obsidity from SF, some reporter, uncognizant, fentopal and a bunch of great people from Philadelphia. I even got to meet Alexis from Philly, the SG with a thing for my man PeeWee Herman and I also met SuicideAlex. SuicideAlex rocks BTW. RacerX taught us how to eat the eyes out of a fish head with great grace and aplomb! Better him than me! And Stiles and I had a great talk re just about everything! Plus there were other people whose names I cannot remeber in my still hung over state, but hope to later!

Had to split to the East Side for a roommates Bday where I was a Santa. BTW, walk in a bar as Santa, people will buy you drinks!
Then around 1, head back to Brooklyn to walk many blocks to a great party. Walk in as Santa and pass out gifts. Dance, drink and meet great folks. Best part was I got to be Santa, then change into street clothes and talk about how lame that Santa was, without anyone knowing it was me! lol (Actually I said how great I was, but that is not as funny!) Freyja had this great dress that was ripped in two and sewn together by faeries in one evening! And I think she started the no pants rule, but I am not sure. I know she paddled my bottom at one point, amybe that where the no pants rule started! All I know is that I chickend out, but my man Skryche saved the day by following the rule for both of us!
Subway it home to crash (and hard!) at 4 am, to get at at 10 to be Santa in Bryant Park. Long story short, great kids, little money.
Drinks in Time Square, start walking home in Santa Suit. People stop me to take pictures. I say, the pictures are free but donations are accepted. Me and my buddy make 50 bucks in an hour! LIFE IS GOOD
Back again tommorrow to make some more dough.
O yea, Santess from SantaCon called in sick on our date tonight. Bad News for me. Gave me a shot to learn about Time Square. Good News for me.
Why won't my Temp agency call?
I have always had a crush on this big bad brotha' though...
I think it has a lot to do with the glasses...Yummy!