I am making a cloud chamber for school! Take a pickle jar, put methyl alcohol in the bottom (on an affixed sponge), put metal cap on, place it upside down on dry ice, and wait for the alcohol to become a mist near the dry ice. The alcohol super saturates, and cosmic rays leave a trail in the mist! Pretty cool to see evidence of the cosmic in a pickle jar.
Maybe tommorrow, tips on fun things you can do to make the pickle left over glow in the dark! lol
Saw Kill Bil, not impressed. Could not care less about Uma's Character, love the actress, dissapointed in the role. Not even one scene to make me see her as anything but a cartoon. And that is obviously the intent of Quentin, but for gods skes, let me care about the cartoon!
Maybe tommorrow, tips on fun things you can do to make the pickle left over glow in the dark! lol
Saw Kill Bil, not impressed. Could not care less about Uma's Character, love the actress, dissapointed in the role. Not even one scene to make me see her as anything but a cartoon. And that is obviously the intent of Quentin, but for gods skes, let me care about the cartoon!
yes butterfly, the swimming stroke.
having my *what* spread out?
yeah, that's butterfly. the most exhausting thing you can do in a pool (well, the most exhausting swimming stroke...). to do it well is a feat in itself. i'm working on it. it used to be just barely fly, now it's good fly, working on making it great fly. ROAR!