weird shit that happens to me:
so i had to stay late at work cause i was waiting for a fax. so im waiting and reading and for those that dont know is like the stupidity highlights of irc. so i get the fax leave and im walking to the parking lot and im like less than two strides behind these two average lookin 40 year olds. now im all spaced out and still thinking about and im laughin inside my head but on the outside i got a big fuckin grin. now i guess they saw me out of the corner of thier eyes as they were talkin to each other cause the turn around and one gives me like a dirty look and the other says "asshole!" and then they keep walking. now at first im confused but i quickly figure out to those outside of the little world in my head it looks like im walkin real close to two chicks staring at their asses and grinning like a fuckin idiot. i find this fuckin hilarious and i dont apologize or explain i jsut die laughing. im cracking the fuck up w/out missing a stride. im STILL right behind them but now im laughing like a madman for another 30 feet till i get into the garage building. i wish i could hear their thoughts righ then cause its too fuckin funny.
so i had to stay late at work cause i was waiting for a fax. so im waiting and reading and for those that dont know is like the stupidity highlights of irc. so i get the fax leave and im walking to the parking lot and im like less than two strides behind these two average lookin 40 year olds. now im all spaced out and still thinking about and im laughin inside my head but on the outside i got a big fuckin grin. now i guess they saw me out of the corner of thier eyes as they were talkin to each other cause the turn around and one gives me like a dirty look and the other says "asshole!" and then they keep walking. now at first im confused but i quickly figure out to those outside of the little world in my head it looks like im walkin real close to two chicks staring at their asses and grinning like a fuckin idiot. i find this fuckin hilarious and i dont apologize or explain i jsut die laughing. im cracking the fuck up w/out missing a stride. im STILL right behind them but now im laughing like a madman for another 30 feet till i get into the garage building. i wish i could hear their thoughts righ then cause its too fuckin funny.