so parties over, half the people didnt show i got drunk and theres a fridge full of beer left. i need to like give this shit away. i drank half a bottle of jack and a third of effin. leavin for a business trip sat mornin. wish i knew somebody who could get me drugs in florida or somethin to keep me from getting bored outta my skull. whatever. all in all not a bad night. got lords of acid blastin, my nieghbors can kiss my ass, they were invited and didnt show, so fuck em! somebody lost their shoe too. so i gotta go bug the 4th floor penthouse people to gimmie back the damn thing. at least we didnt drop any smokes or bottles over the ledge like last time. didnt bother to count the donation jar, pretty sure there isnt more then twnety bucks in there. soooo that barely covers the heinies. i figured ild foot the bill for most of the booze anyways. fuck it, time for another drink.
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