i would bring the world to an end jsut so i can see the dead walk the eaerth. seriously face eating as in the eating of peoples faces was awesome. they didnt really concentrate in messy ways the people were killed. they were more into the zombies feeding on the bodies. maybe it was jsut caus ei was/am drunk, maybe it was me being a sick twisted fuck, but it never got old or repetitive. something about the living dead devouring flesh elates me....
More Blogs
Monday May 23, 2005
got really bored and didnt feel like writing the speech im supposed t… -
Sunday May 22, 2005
rabble rabble rar rar fuckin feels like theres a nail in my head. yo… -
Monday May 16, 2005
well street art fair is comin up next month. havent found anyone who… -
Friday May 13, 2005
mmmmmm silk.... seeing as how you spend most of your life in bed and… -
Sunday May 08, 2005
went to the kenny wayne sheperd show discovered it was transformed to… -
Saturday May 07, 2005
i just got my braided flogger and its sweet. each of the strands is … -
Thursday May 05, 2005
i dunno what it is but i get horny when im sick. not like deathly si… -
Tuesday Apr 26, 2005
took a few vacation days... went to various colleges to see various f… -
Tuesday Apr 19, 2005
so i had this really long and boring meeting in a factory way out in … -
Monday Apr 18, 2005
saw msi. but before i hoppesd the train to the metro i ate a very spe…