every time i forget how much monster magnet rocks ill randomly hear a song of thiers [yay for winamp and internet radio] and rememerb how fuckin awesome they are. i need to see them live again. hell i need to just go to even more shows. wish i could get like a season pass for the House of Blues and go to a show once or twice a week. need to get ozzfest tickets too. scratch that, i need to get GOOD ozzfest tickets. i wanna be able to smell the sweat from their chest hair thats how close i need to be. then all ill need is a pasty white brunnette to go w/ me an ill be all set. apperntly i daydream too much, but i mean what else are you supposed to do when you cant sleep? ive done everythin else to death and if you dont sleep for a few days weird shit pops into your head anyways. the other night i was repeating the word "lament" over an over again cause it sounded funny and i liked the way it flowed off my tongue. its a good word all around. la-ment LA-ment laMENT good word aaaaaand im back to bein all weird again. ima gonna go lay down and pretend to sleep now.
I am going to attempt to get into the Nekromantix concert tomorrow at the Metro. I'm just gonna stop by and see if they're selling tickets at the door. Cause I NEED to see those guys! Hopefully not many Chicago people are into psychobilly.