i dont know what the hell is wrong w me but me and my oven dont get along. i figure ill do something stupid and nice for fathers day an make some cookies. but i know i cant cook worth shit so i need practice. i go to the grocery store and get the premade pretubed cookie mix. that pilbury doughboy knows his shit so why should i try to compete? so i slice up the damn things and put them on the sheet. the first one i jsut toss em in not payin attention at the time or check up on them. i randomly go to get a drink pull em out and they look great. i figure i need to put the timer on cause i might forget again so i set up the little timer to what it says on the plastic tube and i start readin. little ding goes off i take out the second batch and they are the darkest tiniest little fuckin cockroach lookin things ever. and of course sinc ei made second batch i was munchin on the first one and gave some away so there are like 3 good cookies and the rest look like aged wood. im gonna do the smart thing an just buy my dad somethin. screw this gifts from the heart crap.
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