so i finally bit the bullet and got a full time primary care doctor. the last doc i saw was my pediatrition. well not counting shrinks and thats just a ticker tape of people i gotta see for one reason or another. but thats beside the point. so my new docs office plays allman brothers and golden earing in the waiting room. which is awesome. then i find out he also does chiropractic work and has another full time chiro on the staff. so even if i dont feel like need drugs sick i go to him and hell pop and snap some shit into place for the hell of it. since it was a first time deal i got all the shots and pokes and prodes. whatever, my arms will be sore for a few days and i was dizzy for the rest of the day from givin all the blood. no biggie. then i finally meet my doc face to face and hes this like 5 foot 3 dude w/ a soul patch a bead necklace and a ponytail. so my doc is a total fuckin hippie its fuckin great. so i got a new doc thats in the city short drive from me, hes a hippie, and the staff was jokin around w/ me that im a pretty boring guy since i dont smoke, drink or do many drugs anymore. beats havin some 90 year old greek dude that can barely see take a look at me and tell me im fine go home and pay me 300 bucks. now to find a dentist...
My current doctor is a total asshole. Which is apparently common, I just didn't realize it until my first doctor relocated to California and sold his practice to this prick.