i had written a load of intro, but then firefox died on me and so, instead, you can have the pictures sans lead-in...
i should be doing more of this:
but instead went to columbia road flower market with the lady and got these instead:
and, of course, what is a market-meander without me buying more books?!...
"the pair for a fiver?"
"'couse you can."
"thank you kindly..."
and, by way of postscript asides...
I saw this on my way home from the bar (yes, it really is that bright when i head home sometimes...)
and this was in the fridge for some function the day before... white chocolate apparently...
and, finally:
10 days till the dreaded exam (stressstressstress).
still not really digging the yoga job.
things with the lady are going surprisingly well!
i saw brick lastnight...
i, ahem, we are going down to brighton for the bank-holiday weekend...
charley-girl is probably around and, if work can fuck off for a moment or six, i might actually be able to see her!
... and you know what? i'm going to be a tad open now...
hearing from you guys can really make my day.
really and truly.
so thank you.
um grande beijo,
i should be doing more of this:

but instead went to columbia road flower market with the lady and got these instead:

and, of course, what is a market-meander without me buying more books?!...
"the pair for a fiver?"
"'couse you can."
"thank you kindly..."

and, by way of postscript asides...
I saw this on my way home from the bar (yes, it really is that bright when i head home sometimes...)

and this was in the fridge for some function the day before... white chocolate apparently...

and, finally:
10 days till the dreaded exam (stressstressstress).

still not really digging the yoga job.

things with the lady are going surprisingly well!

i saw brick lastnight...

i, ahem, we are going down to brighton for the bank-holiday weekend...

charley-girl is probably around and, if work can fuck off for a moment or six, i might actually be able to see her!

... and you know what? i'm going to be a tad open now...
hearing from you guys can really make my day.
really and truly.
so thank you.
um grande beijo,

but then so are plants
non photography day? Im trying to picture the celbration for that, and envisioning it all being rather boring. Then again, if it werent then it would be quite dissapointing that no one would be able to capture the fun and share it with others later.
"Non-photography day was such a blast, and all the people, ohh you should have been there!"
"Really, I have trouble believing that."
"Well, Id show you some pictures so you would know, but, yes..well...non-photography day and all..."
That skull looks cool though. And also yummy.