Starting yesterday, there is a new and improved Jessie walking around. With the weight of these past few years lifting from my shoulders, I feel reborn as a different person. Dont get me wrong, im still essentially the same chick. Ive just decided i will no longer be quite so hard on myself about my artistic skills, or my looks. I feel a new edge of confidence building inside me, and I think i have a plan of action for the first time in a long time, and im excited about all of it! Some major things my life are going to start being about are making TONS of art ( tattoos, paintings, drawings, etc. ), traveling to see shows, and hitting my goal weight and maintaining it by running. I'd like to be able to run a half marathon by the end of the year. I think thats a pretty big goal, but i know I can do it if I want it bad enough.
I'm going to start being more grateful also. To those friends ive let slip away, im going to make it up to you. To those friends who have stepped up when i needed someone to talk or cry to, thank you for being there ( and bringing me coffee through my work marathon ) I appreciate my my room mates for toughing it out and staying with me, and being there for me to gossip with
. I appreciate my co workers, who instilled the confidence in me to say yes to attend one of the most awesome tattoo conventions later this year. I appreciate those who make the effort to make me feel beautiful. Finally, i appreciate myself. I am a good person, and deserve to be happy and do what i want in life.
Thank you to everyone who has ever been kind to me, when i wasn't kind to myself.
I'm going to start being more grateful also. To those friends ive let slip away, im going to make it up to you. To those friends who have stepped up when i needed someone to talk or cry to, thank you for being there ( and bringing me coffee through my work marathon ) I appreciate my my room mates for toughing it out and staying with me, and being there for me to gossip with
Thank you to everyone who has ever been kind to me, when i wasn't kind to myself.
and thanks to everyone else!