Just found out a few hours ago that my best friend from high school died a few days ago. I haven't seen him in probably 8 years. I missed the funeral, and feel like i missed my chance to say goodbye. I haven't even been able to find out what happened to him. I scared i'll find out it was suicide. I cant believe we drifted so far apart. This just makes me really question what im doing with me life. Is this really where i wanted to be at this point in my life? More worried about my mortgage than what life has to offer me? There are so many places ive never been. Ive wanted to do so many things, that i feel i might miss. Im not just content anymore to just go somewhere close once a year as a "mini" vacation. Im still young and dont want to look back one day and say wow, wish i had gone on a cross country road trip while i was still young enough to enjoy it. To much time to think about these kind of things. I'll miss you Evan, you were a good friend.

I am so sorry my dear. I went through the exact same thing some time ago. I am here for you if you need someone to talk to.
thank you very much. it is indeed a difficult thing to deal with. Every day gets a little better when i think about him.