Well im finally back on SG. Have missed it greatly. Sooo whats been going on since i was here last..... my husband and I both got scion xB 1st gen's. Mine's a 3.0 special edition, which rocks! We also joined the local scion club and are going on a trip for xB's only in March.
I also have been accepted into a Medical Laboratory Assistant program at my local college, and start class tomorrow. Wish me luck cause my classes are : Laboratory Operations, Immunohematology, and Medical Biochemistry, and classes are 30 hours a week. At least im down to just working friday sat and sun, but i dont have a day anymore where i dont have to be somewhere.
I also started jogging and joined a kick boxing class. Ive gained a lot of muscle and can actual do push ups now! Since last May I dropped 33 lbs, but ive hit a plateau. I just have to keep it up till it starts moving again. I still want to loose 30 more lbs at least. Im hoping to drop at least 20 more by my birthday in March.
I also have been accepted into a Medical Laboratory Assistant program at my local college, and start class tomorrow. Wish me luck cause my classes are : Laboratory Operations, Immunohematology, and Medical Biochemistry, and classes are 30 hours a week. At least im down to just working friday sat and sun, but i dont have a day anymore where i dont have to be somewhere.
I also started jogging and joined a kick boxing class. Ive gained a lot of muscle and can actual do push ups now! Since last May I dropped 33 lbs, but ive hit a plateau. I just have to keep it up till it starts moving again. I still want to loose 30 more lbs at least. Im hoping to drop at least 20 more by my birthday in March.

marry me jessie
@shadow, dont think i can legally be married to 2 guys at the same time haha. You need to put up more pics! I can't belive you work for Universal! It was my dream when i was younger to move to Cali and work for a movie studio /sigh