K, heres the low down. At my work, which has been slow due to slow ass economy, the owners hired a new tattoo artist and piercer. Well one of our piercers quit today in a blaze of glory, cause we think they hired the new piercer to replace her. But it wasnt admitted to. Well were a full house already, no free rooms available, so this new guy has to go from room to room for whoever is not there. So now i have to leave an hour early friday and saturdays. So i guess no working on friends those nights. So today i couldve done 4 tattoos, but since i now have an extra person in the rotation with us, i only got to do 2. So hurray for working 7 hours and only making $55 dollars for take home. Im so bummed. I hope radioliogy school pulls through for me.

woohoo, i totally dont know how to browse the groups and stuff, so i guess ill have to figure that out, cause im all about naked girls

For naked girls... and boys (which really isn't the reason I'm there) .. in the V and E group check out the Private Parts thread.. I'm in there somewhere near the end.. LOL