I think the whole Christopher Walkin for President thing is now a hoax.
Could have been interesting.
I've always liked Christopher Walkin and the characters he has played. We both come across sometimes as unintentially creepy/scary. I do a great impersonation, by the way.
My show at Hartsfiled Airport has been canceled. Tough, but the stress of getting together the work was almost too much. It may be rescheduled.
I am sleepy. Hey, speaking of creepy and sleepy, I've had this idea for a photography show called, "Without My Permission." It would be a phtography show of people sleeping, taken without their permission. All of the subjects would be invited to the opening without knowing what the show is about. Hilarity ensures! Besides the obvious ethical questions involved in taking someone's picture without their permission, there is also the added creep factor of taking the pictures while they they sleeping, in perhaps a weak and personal moment.
If I acted on half the ideas that come up in this devil's brain of mine . . . in jail?
Well, there is your dose of creepiness for the day, enjoy!
Could have been interesting.
I've always liked Christopher Walkin and the characters he has played. We both come across sometimes as unintentially creepy/scary. I do a great impersonation, by the way.
My show at Hartsfiled Airport has been canceled. Tough, but the stress of getting together the work was almost too much. It may be rescheduled.
I am sleepy. Hey, speaking of creepy and sleepy, I've had this idea for a photography show called, "Without My Permission." It would be a phtography show of people sleeping, taken without their permission. All of the subjects would be invited to the opening without knowing what the show is about. Hilarity ensures! Besides the obvious ethical questions involved in taking someone's picture without their permission, there is also the added creep factor of taking the pictures while they they sleeping, in perhaps a weak and personal moment.
If I acted on half the ideas that come up in this devil's brain of mine . . . in jail?
Well, there is your dose of creepiness for the day, enjoy!

I guess maybe these people gave their permission, I think these photos are beautiful and delicate.
And hey, I think if getting the show together was too stressful then it's best it's not happening, whether that was your decision or not. You gotta give yourself a break sometimes.