I snatched the halo of light that surrounds the moon and made it my own, only to learn it illuminated all of my imperfections. From this I learned a lesson.
A crystal smile flashing teeth in the dark is never to be trusted. Sharp and fragile.
Leave grey out of the equation! Look with enough intensity and you will see that shadows have colors.
Suggested sex, fear, threats of violence, broken hearts, strangers, mistaken identity, secrets, nervous behavior. This was my dream yesterday, and I woke up confused, scared.
I remember a movie, but can not remember the title. In it a scientist invents a machine that enables people to conciously view their dreams. The test subjects become entralled, almost to the point of addiction, and go insane.
Globes of light, you sceptic, stars do not show up on radar. You probably don't even believe in bigfoot. I keep my mind open to suggestion and would love to go night swimming in the Bermuda Triangle.
I would like to know more about Joseph Beuys.
I would like to find the place where aesthetics, philosophy, and psychology intersect. What language would they speak there?
All too serious, but even laughter can have its schizo-manic qualities. The laughter that comes of a cracking mind, following unbearable stress and tragedy, there ought to be a word for that. There are lots of things, ideas, that deserve a word but lack . . . , their abstract form too vague to peg down with certainty.
All too serious, but try to force a laugh, almost impossible. It rings hollow and empty in the heart.
Speculate all you can on all things metaphysical and get no where. It is all a hydra-headed theories, cut off a head and two others take its place! So it is with all intellectual pursuits. A long strived after answer . . .
It is possible to think too much.
Let go and think of warm places you've never been, cozy inside places, with outside light, and outside afternoon autumnal winds roam with unknown purpose. This brings a genuine smile.
Gratefulness. Grace.
Pleasant to say out loud.
I often write with an ear for phonetics.
I like sending emails with colored text and font, reflecting the mood of the sentance. Books could be published this way.
A crystal smile flashing teeth in the dark is never to be trusted. Sharp and fragile.
Leave grey out of the equation! Look with enough intensity and you will see that shadows have colors.
Suggested sex, fear, threats of violence, broken hearts, strangers, mistaken identity, secrets, nervous behavior. This was my dream yesterday, and I woke up confused, scared.
I remember a movie, but can not remember the title. In it a scientist invents a machine that enables people to conciously view their dreams. The test subjects become entralled, almost to the point of addiction, and go insane.
Globes of light, you sceptic, stars do not show up on radar. You probably don't even believe in bigfoot. I keep my mind open to suggestion and would love to go night swimming in the Bermuda Triangle.
I would like to know more about Joseph Beuys.
I would like to find the place where aesthetics, philosophy, and psychology intersect. What language would they speak there?
All too serious, but even laughter can have its schizo-manic qualities. The laughter that comes of a cracking mind, following unbearable stress and tragedy, there ought to be a word for that. There are lots of things, ideas, that deserve a word but lack . . . , their abstract form too vague to peg down with certainty.
All too serious, but try to force a laugh, almost impossible. It rings hollow and empty in the heart.
Speculate all you can on all things metaphysical and get no where. It is all a hydra-headed theories, cut off a head and two others take its place! So it is with all intellectual pursuits. A long strived after answer . . .
It is possible to think too much.
Let go and think of warm places you've never been, cozy inside places, with outside light, and outside afternoon autumnal winds roam with unknown purpose. This brings a genuine smile.
Gratefulness. Grace.
Pleasant to say out loud.
I often write with an ear for phonetics.
I like sending emails with colored text and font, reflecting the mood of the sentance. Books could be published this way.
I've been writing my graduate admissions essay. It is proving to be very interesting.
(Should I already know this?)
I'd say more, but I don't know anything about it.