Funny how I can let the big things slide while small things can sometimes make my blood boil. I had to give someone directions over the phone today for a district attorney conference. Dense as a rock. You can't miss the building I'm in; there is a big statue of Athena out front. She asked me who Athena was. What I said and what I felt like saying are two different things. I felt like saying, "Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom and learning, of which you hav enone, you stupid-stupid bitch." I normally wouldn't care about such things, but are not D.A.'s supposed to be smart with lots and lots of formal education? This person is probably making ten times what I make.
Hubris. Pride. Probably my worst faults. I just get so angry that so many unethical ignorant bastards get ahead, while I get stuck in jobs that a trained monkey could do.
Tommorrow night there will be a Miracle Crusade. The brochure says that wheelchairs will be emptied, captives will be set free, blind eyes will be opened, and AIDS will be healed. That should be interesting.
I can't help but to think of the movie "Fletch Lives," where R. Lee Eremy plays the miracle televangelist. I love the South.
I also found out that TCM is having a film festival here with lots of old classics, "Casablanca" and the like. I want to go see "Cinema Paradiso." I love that movie. The main character reminds me of my Dad.
Hubris. Pride. Probably my worst faults. I just get so angry that so many unethical ignorant bastards get ahead, while I get stuck in jobs that a trained monkey could do.
Tommorrow night there will be a Miracle Crusade. The brochure says that wheelchairs will be emptied, captives will be set free, blind eyes will be opened, and AIDS will be healed. That should be interesting.

I can't help but to think of the movie "Fletch Lives," where R. Lee Eremy plays the miracle televangelist. I love the South.
I also found out that TCM is having a film festival here with lots of old classics, "Casablanca" and the like. I want to go see "Cinema Paradiso." I love that movie. The main character reminds me of my Dad.
Now that lady has made herself a prime candidate for the Tittymail. You could probably make it the triple-hit tit/ass/cunt for her, she's never gonna notice.
And don't ya know it's the master plan, to keep all us smart kids down, and pay the monkeys loads of money whilst giving them ridiculous power that they have no idea of what to do with. Surely you can think of the one man that proves this rule.
Humility, a grand thing.