Bradford Pears, Daffodils, Dogwood, and Daisies bloom.
The stagnant air of winter begins to stir, becomes alive.
This is Spring. I love the wind that rises moments just before a storm breaks open. The wind rushes through the trees and the young, tender, green leaves are tossed about with violence. Flowing across the shifting sky, heat lightning provides a brilliant gloss to the cresendo, and then thunder! The sky cracks open and the first cool rains of Spring begin to drop.
At least four tornados blew across the area, the sublime cost for this season's beauty.
I watched a movie tonight, The Beach, and I was very much effected. Sad. Such loss. A spoiled paradise, love lost. How is it that we have such little power to make a hell, heaven, but with a casual whim, find it all too easy to make a heaven, hell. It is enough to make a person like me (dare I say it) cry.
Empathy can be such a curse, but at least it is fuel for creativity.
The stagnant air of winter begins to stir, becomes alive.
This is Spring. I love the wind that rises moments just before a storm breaks open. The wind rushes through the trees and the young, tender, green leaves are tossed about with violence. Flowing across the shifting sky, heat lightning provides a brilliant gloss to the cresendo, and then thunder! The sky cracks open and the first cool rains of Spring begin to drop.
At least four tornados blew across the area, the sublime cost for this season's beauty.
I watched a movie tonight, The Beach, and I was very much effected. Sad. Such loss. A spoiled paradise, love lost. How is it that we have such little power to make a hell, heaven, but with a casual whim, find it all too easy to make a heaven, hell. It is enough to make a person like me (dare I say it) cry.
Empathy can be such a curse, but at least it is fuel for creativity.

perfect, trashy n dreamy . . .

Thank-you for your sympathy and caring.