A wandering mass of contradictions, struck and fused together by what can only be described as some kind of accidental lightning, body and soul bleeding into each other. The scars on her skin are the only proof of her past, all else being but speculation.
There is a major crossroads in near future. Is it too some to begin keeping my fingers crossed? One leads to better times, the other leads to a lost month in Mexico.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
He's one of my heroes, along with Sparticus and others.
I love it when people stand up for what is right, without compromise. The world is made peaceful because of compromise, but in issues of ethics, compromise is dirty. Truth, all noble intentions, must remain pure and undilluted.
Although a lost month in Mexico is tempting, better times is the better road, methinks.
And thank you for my sea shanty.
Nobody has written any poetry for me for years.
[Edited on Jan 16, 2006 1:37PM]