soooo i got fired from my new job....i messed up on tallying up the hours for payroll and people accidently got paid for their lunches when they weren't supposed to. They were able to fix it they just had to take it out of the next pay. The girl that was training me did not explain things well and she was an evil bitch. I am so depressed i got fired.....also some old bastard smashed in to the back of my new truck and fucked up my bumper so i have to deal with his insurance company and getting it new shotgun i ordered was damaged during shipping the forend had a dent and a crack in it so i had to sent it back to the manufacturer for them to fix it. I didn't even get to shoot it. Hopefully it doesnt take them forever to send it back
.....basically my life is a cesspool of suck . Sorry to be so negative. I wish i had something good to say but i can't think of anything at the moment.

She will live on in my heart. She was a wonderful, rare sort of person, and had a huge positive impact on me.