Sorry i have not updated....I have been pretty much working and sleeping. Getting up at 7 am sux ass!!! It's so hard to have a life when you have to get up early. My friends and my man always want to hang out late at night ....and if i want enough sleep i have to go to bed at doesn't happen very often. lol I usually take a nap in my truck on my lunch break and then again when i get home from work. The job seems to be going well though i'm learning a lot. I have the hang of quick books pretty well and i have been doing all their ordering and running errands. I'm still bartending thursday night and dancing saturdays. I actually worked a few nights shifts on saturdays which i'm glad i did because i made faaaaat money. Working night shift stresses me out though. Whole different crowd. I'm just going to do it every other saturday i think. Hope you all are well xoxox
happy birthday beautiful lady,
I hope it's as wonderful as you are.