I got a new job. The kind adults actually have. lol I am working as a secretary for a sign company. A guy came in to my bar that i used to know and i was telling him how i have a degree and it has gotten me jack-shit nowhere and he offered me the job. 10 bux an hour 40 hours a week, health benefits. Not a bad gig. The only miserable part is i have to be there at 8 am. uuuuuuugh It is slowly killing me. I am used to going to bed about 4 am. Having to go to bed early is a bitch. I am usually so tired i fall asleep as soon as i get home and then wake up a while later and can't get back to sleep. I am still bartending on thursday nights even though it's insane because i don't get out till 2 sometimes and i have to be up at 7. I need the money...and i will still be dancing on saturdays i guess. The job so far is kind of crazy. It's a small shop about 7 or 8 people work there. I am doing all the accounts receivable and payable, calling in the time card hours (they have an outside payroll service), doing all their purchasing and ordering, paying the bills, sending invoicing ect. The girl thats there now pretty much runs the dam company and she is moving to columbus in a month or so. I have some big shoes to fill..... yikes!!
Hopefully i can make this work and use it to get somewhere. I can't be a stripper forever. I just hope i made the right move.

I have been to legal seafood, I have one down the street lol its pretty good and I don't really like fish
That is a good one