Well sorry I have been failing at blogging lately very stressed out. My car completely bit the dust....brakes went out, leaking transmission fluid, over-heating ect. Tires were toast...it would have been too much money to fix it. I had them come hall it off to the scrap yard. They gave me $275.00 for it. I am waiting on my tax money to come in until I can get a new car. I've bee having to find rides to work everyday. It's been a colossal pain in the ass. My tax refund is running super late i guess the i.r.s is all backed up with processing things. SUCKS! I did go to Boston couple of days ago to visit my mom. It was semi-fun. She was making me batshit crazy though. I took my man to Legal Seafood for lunch it's a famous Seafood place in Boston....while i was in the bathroom she asks him "What are your intentions for my daughter?" WTF Reeeeally like this is medieval times or something. He pretty much just told her he didn't want to date anyone else but he is not looking to get married right now. I don't blame him he just got divorced not that long ago and I could really give a shit less about getting married myself anyway. So she just continued to be crazy the entire time and I was stuck up her ass because my stupid tax refund didn't come. Did get to visit the New england aquarium and Some historic things, cemeteries ect. in Concord, Mass. (pix below)

(Last one was walden pond) Sooo yea just waiting on tax money right now. It will allegedly be here tuesday. Cross your fingers for me folks.

(Last one was walden pond) Sooo yea just waiting on tax money right now. It will allegedly be here tuesday. Cross your fingers for me folks.

Nice photos. I feel more transcendental already.