Yeeeea so turns out i had Pneumonia . I was coughing so bad i couldn't stop and i called my mom and she convinced me to go to the hospital. They said i had pneumonia in my right lung. I had to stay there overnight. They had me breath in this yucky steroid stuff that made me all shaky and made my heart race really bad. I did it twice and then i told them no more of this shit. I had to share a room with a crazy ass old lady who had a million things wrong with her and talked in her sleep there was only a curtain dividing us. yuck. They gave me several iv bags of antibiotics, x-rays, blood work various bullshit. I got no sleep i was so dam aggravated. The one highlight was there was a super hot ass little nurse that kept coming around to take my vitals. yowza! I'm out now. They have me taking enough antibiotics to kill a horse. lol Feeling much better...i'm still breathing a tad funny but getting better for sure.
Glad you are feeling better.