Feeling very depressed about my station in life right now. My hotel degree has got me nowhere so far. I am contemplating going back to school for another degree but i don't really know what i would do. I wish i was one of those people that have easily recognizable strengths and know from childhood what i wanted to do. I enjoy writing...but making a living at is dam near impossible...i enjoy bartending but it's a job for the young and there is not much future in it. I seem to be very good at suckering old men out of money but i don't think there is a legitimate career associated with that.
I need to start working somewhere where i can move up. My sister is trying to talk me into going into retail and just working my way into a management position from there. I have been in the service industry for 10 years though. I'm frickin 31 years old and i still don't know what i want to be when i grow up. Thought i did. I just feel like i'm failing miserably at life.
Any advice guys? ps. yeeeea i think i may be somewhat fired from my restaurant job. They have called me off for like the last 3 shifts they keep claiming their over-staffed. They sent me a message this morning saying their over-staffed and business slows down after the holidays and that they will call me when it picks back up.
FML I guess i need a new job. Thank god i can dance till i can make that happen.

thank you : )
Damn sorry hon. I hope things get better for you soon!