Happy thanksgiving ya fuckers!!!! lol Just made a pumpkin pie, a chocolate pie, and the ground cranberry and orange relish stuff. Tomorrow it is the yams, turkey, giblet gravy, stuffing, and my famous corn casserole stuff that is an epic legend among my family. lol My sister is bringing the mashed potatoes....of course....the laziest item possible. lol Should be good times though. I am going to try braising my turkey in cider this year...i usually do wine or beer but my mom converted to be mormon so no alcohol for her.
ridiculous. I plan on eating my face off and drinking wine all dam day.

My gym is open till midnight tomorrow so i will probably feel guilty and hit it up late. lol You'll have a good one.

LOL...I was at the gym on Thanksgiving too...!!! Damn pumpkin pie...so worth it!

thanks for stopping by again, it just sucks cause i went 100% by the books and by the law and she was even court ordered to show up and they just let her pick the time and place..its just like what do i have do to...