Happy halloween!!!! Happy Samhain!!!! I was just feeling very festive. I was carving my pumpkin and listening to type O negative.
The october rust album holds a lot of memories for me. It reminds me of the love of my life who died december 29th 2003. All happy memories though. Halloween being the day when the veil between worlds is thin I always try and remember loved ones who have passed on. Here is my pumpkin> I always do something artsy. lol never a face. The symbol in the middle is an Ogham (ancient celtic mystic symbol representing different trees) It is Saille. The ogham for willow. It symbolizes intuition, lunar influence, dreams and fantasy, bewitchment. (where my handle came from saillesong
) There are willow trees carved on either side and grass underneath. It's hard to see it looks awesome in person but the lines are so thin it doesn't photograph well. Well you all have a safe one xoxoxo

Hahaha I'm glad you like the perv stash 

yeah kinda