These dam things are addictive! They are sort of like crack in a can. I can not put them down. If you like spicy things go get them immediately! (spicy Sriracha peas, They are crunchy spicy dried peas. yuuuum)
Luckily they are only 120 calories per serving...i probably should not eat the whole can though. lol
Tomorrow the man and I are going to join a gym together. They are running a special at the one by my house buy one get one free membership and only 12.00 bucks a month. I have been walking outside every night but it is getting too dam cold. I hate cold. I must move the workout indoors. I have been wanting to get back into the weights more anyway and i thought it would be fun for us to work out together. I am sure he will be totally busting my ass and calling me a pussy and all that...but maybe i need that to stay in gear. lol Things at work have improved a wee bit. Still busting my butt to make rent but hopefully i should make it.*thinking positively*

OMG..I HAVE to try those!
that looks amazing