Dancing has not been as profitable as i would have hoped. I have only made 60 bux each time i have been in there so far. The club i used to work at has really fallen to hell. I'm not sure if i should try another place or maybe they are just having a bad week....i dunno. It's helping me out but i really thought i would make at least 100 bux a day. I fiiiinally got my foodstamp card after much trials and tribulations. So i may not be paying my bills but at least i won't starve.
I just bought 200 bux worth of food and have been cooking up a storm. Hurray!! My car is totally falling apart. My transmission is fucking up. my battery keeps dying i totally need a new one, ect, ect, I need to find a rich family to adopt me.

I don't have a heating pad unfortunately, but the painkillers are doing the job for now.
Let me know if you need me to work on your car.