Gave my man his sweetest day present today. I got him an ipod NANO....he got me nada. He says sweetest day is a fake holiday. I told him ok well he owes me some serious banging then. lol He loves the nano. I love giving people presents. So nice to see someone all happy and excited. Makes me warm and fuzzy inside. I had christmas with my gramma yesterday. We have christmas with her every year in october before she goes to mexico for the winter. She gave me a 50.00 macy's gift card. Hurray!!! I bought myself some much needed jeans. I only had 2 that fit since i lost so much weight. I went down another size again. Down to a 5! holy shit!! Not sure how i managed that. .....Also my daddy gave me his iphone since he got a new one! AWESOME!!!! I fricking loooove it. I have been playing with it all dam day. It is the crack of technology i tell you. lol My son is rolling his eyes at me because i downloaded " sing, sing, sing" the big band song for my ringtone already. I am such a dork i know. lol

Come hug me and my doggy please!
lol!! Isnt that shit just ridiculous??