Paid my rent...200 bux short. Hopefully i can come up with the other 200 by the 5th because they charge late fees after that. I have been in a such a funk. I have just been wanting to drink or take the vicodin I have left over from kidney stones every night. They are giving me more serving shifts next week so that's good. I may still have to get a second job though not sure yet. I have been sort of bummed because i only get to see my man like once a week. He has been super busy with school and really stressed. I have been doing whatever i can to calm him down. Iv'e been making him dinner for the week and putting it in tupperware for him so he doesn't have to worry about cooking for the week. I just wish i could see him more. I know how rough school can be though. I almost had a nervous breakdown my last semester between my internship, work, and my classes. It was nuts. He is going to police academy which i guess is pretty brutal. A lot of regular homework plus a lot of physical shit, running, push-ups, sit ups, ect. I just wish there was a solution for us to see each other more without stressing him out but i can't think of a good one right now.

thank you so much. I'm really hoping to at least make a difference in a few people's lives. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here <3
Thanks. Lol It was beer.