Started my first day of my new job today. It was sort of insane. lol I was supposed to hostess and kind of learn the computer and stuff to train.....but it got super crazy busy in there. So i just ended up running food, getting ice, bussing tables, seating people....anything i could do to help out. The patio bartender got super slammed so i was waiting on tables and just relaying the orders to him so he could ring the shit it. I definitely got the trial by fire. Everyone was super friendly though and they all seem like they get along well. They all told me I did an awesome job for not knowing what the hell i was doing So that's good.
Sooo i got out at like 10:30 and i figured i would go pick my check up from my old job. So i called up there and my asshat old manager was like "oh i just mailed it out at 4 o'clock today." Well they still had my old fucking address!!!!

They never changed it when i moved. He totally was not apologizing either he just told me to go there and find it and let him know what happens. FUCKING TOOL. So i'm not sure what my plan of action should be...should i go to the post office? or to my old place to try and catch it? I really need to have it by tomorrow because my phone bill is due sunday and i have noooo money. I hope hope hope i can catch it. I don't know why the fuck he mailed it right away and did not think i might want to come get it. Just had to fuck me over one last time ...siiiiiiigh

Hopefully the new job works out and you get your money!!! What an ass!!
thanks a lot! )