Well i had my surgery. I am home. They had me there for fricking ever. I got there at 11:30 and they didn't take me in until 2:30. My asshole doctor was running late and then i had to wait for the surgery room. They took me in the room and put me on this little table thing with a squishy gel thing under my side. They put the oxygen mask on which i though was gas at first so i was panicking but hen they said it was oxygen...so i was thinking hmmm when are they going to knock me out. Then all of sudden I feel this cold stuff in my IV and it kind of burned and felt weird.....and I was out like a light. I woke up at 4 pm and i felt like someone had been kicking me in the back. My back is all red where the sound waves hit me. I still have to pass the bits and pieces of the stones which i'm sure i won't enjoy.
But they gave me more percosets so i'm sure i will be feeling better in a few days hopefully. So glad it's over.
I'm not sure what kind of surgery you got since I haven't been around as much this past month, but I'm glad to hear you came out of it okay and wish you a speedy recovery.
asshole doctor is a redundant term.