My internet does not get hooked up until the 16th. That is the soonest they could come do it. Baaawls. I am now lurking in the parking lot of my place at 2:30 in the morning so i can steal the neighbors internet signal.....lmao. This is how bad my SG addiction is.
I can't pick up anything actually inside so i'm in the car.....sad state of affairs. I hope to be totally done moving my shit tomorrow. The ex is being a rat bastard again. I went over there to get shit today and he started this...i wasted my life on you shit....I wanted to tell him he mad me miserable 90% of the time for 8 years but I didn't even want to waste one more second of my life fighting with him. Can't wait till i have a day off so i can go out and have a drink and maybe meet someone.

lmao i thought the same thing!!
it is for SG