Well i got approved for an apartment today. I am going to put the deposit down on it tomorrow. Hopefully I can have all my shit moved in by sunday or so. I am so excited in it's in a really good location right by all the stores and the grocery store, movie theater, ect. There are two bars within walking distance......which is super awesome. Since I got my D. U.I a few years ago i'm scared to have even two beers. I look forward to getting shitfaced and stumbling home in the near future.
The apartment is super nice, new carpet, new cabintets and kitchen stuff, bathroom looks fairly new. I was so dam excited because I have lived in some very crappy rathole apartments before. All i need now is to find someone who has a little time they can spend with me.....that would be nice.

Im dying right now.....congrats on the new apt
good news