Watched the movie "Kill the Irishmen" today. It was freaking awesome. My dad accidently walked us into the wrong theater at first because they were playing it in two theaters. We where like WTF? Did it start already. Then he asks the guy next to us when it started and he said 1:30. Ours started at 3. ooooops. The fricking theatre was almost full at 1:30 on a monday though!!! That's nuts. There is a big hype about this movie because it's based in cleveland.(Even though they actually filmed it in detroit mostly.....laaaaaame) It is based on the true story of Danny greene. He was an irish gangster in cleveland in the 70's and he was battling it out with the italian mafia. A very interesting story. He ended up getting blown up by a car bomb. It seems like all the interesting shit happened in cleveland before I was born. What can ya do. Awesome movie though!!! Go see it!! The cleveland version of goodfella's 

I can't say I was aware of this before now, but it sounds to be right in my wheelhouse. I'm game.
Yeah that's one good thing about gettting older.