Hell-to-the-yea! First day of the new job tonight. I was pretty nervous going in, I got there and a girl had called off cuz i guess she thought she broke her ankle or something. So It was only me and one other bartender and two servers. I thought it would be slow being the day after saint patricks day but it was actually pretty busy. I was running around like a maniac for a while and shaking martinis like they were going outta style. I had a couple of tables I was in charge of as well. Everything went pretty well except my appetizer came out the same time as my food for one of my tables and then they didn't want it. I rang it in "as app". I guess i should have waited a minute or two to ring in the entrees. All restaurants are different. Some have enough sense to really look at tickets and see oh this one is a appetizer it should be made and go out before the entree....aah makes sense. Some you have to totally time them out so they come out on time. Anywho. The girl I was working with was saying "oh man this has been pretty slow". Slow???? I thought it was hopping in here. So that's good i guess. So because it was only the two of us when we split the tips I walked with $220.00 bux!!!! Hell yes!!! Half the time I don't make that much in 3 days at my other place. So awesome! I think I will really get to like this place.

Good for you- I think you deserve to make bank!!! One less thing too to stress about