Alright well i'm back in smelly old Just got in a few hours ago. the second day of the vacation went better a bit. I went to check out whaley house....allegedly when of the most haunted places in america and one of the oldest houses in san diego. It did creep me out pretty bad. I was standing in one room and i got very very cold all of a sudden and i felt like someone was standing behind me, and i got this overwhelming feeling of sadness. I almost started crying thats how strong it was. I had to walk out after that i was feeling weird. Then i roamed around "old town" which is where all the mexican restaurants and shops are. We had lunch at "coyote cafe" and i got some cool day of the dead shit. Then we drove over to La Jolla and I went down into "sunny jim's cave" It is a cave that goes out into the ocean with steps going down to it that were carved down through the cliff. Then we walked over to the seal beach. I was so excited to seals in the wild it was awesome!!!! I went over to balbo park for a bit but i got there kinda late I didn't know everything closed at 5. I saw the natural history museum at took pictures of all the buildings but it was freezing and raining and everything was getting ready to close. I wish I had more time there. At night we went to pacific beach and had dinner at a place called PB ale house. It is a little Micro brewery restaurant and they had really great beer there. This morning i woke up super ass early and packed so we could go to breakfast. We went to this place called The Mission cafe in pacific beach. It was aaaaawesome!!!! It was the best dam breakfast i have ever had in my life. I had i think it was called Plata verde con huevos.....something like that. It was eggs with corn tamales and salsa verde sauce with black beans and i had some fruit and a thai mocha coffee.....which was expresso with chocolate/mocha with sweetened condensed milk....something they do in thailand i guess. We drove over by mission bay one last time and walked around before we left. Of course the weather turned fucking beautiful the day we were leaving......i didn't waaaana go!!! I will have to go back some time 

That you are very nice, kisses