Baaaawls. I don't know what to do?? I have told you all previously that everyone and there mother is quitting where i work. We just had two more people put in there two weeks notice. I sent my resume out to a bunch of places on craig's list.....a lot of them just say bartender in such and such town and don't name the place it's for sometimes. Well I just had one call me and it was this bar called "Oliver twist" a swanky little wine/martini bar in the town over from me. They are looking for a bartender for like 4 days a week and it's in a really good high traffic area. Well i called the guy back after he left me a message but he was out and I was on my way to work so I am calling back tomorrow..........My problem is I feel bad quitting because everyone else is already. .....and it actually has been picking up significantly in the last week or so. Tonight it was slammin in boss is a big pervert and also and asshole who has no human relationship skills......and they hired some new bartenders and they have taken me off the bar schedule last week......when i asked him he said i would be back on this week but i'm not.
i'm still just serving. I was super pissed. I don't know if I should ride it out longer or jump ship?

nope i saw some of those lol
Rats. Well have a fun trip when you're out there. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.