I went and watched TRON is 3d today...it was freaking awesome.
I did the proper thing and watched the
original before i went. I was unaware there was an original until my dad told me about it he had a copy from his
friend he let me borrow. I think you get a lot more out of the new one if you have watched the old one. So for
those of you who haven't ....do it....do it now. On another note....I have a gym downstairs in my building....well
i guess that's being charitable it's more of a workout room. It has one treadmill, one eleptical, one bike, and a
pull weight system thing. Usually no one is down there. But of course I went down to go work out and to
middle-age cunts were taking up the eliptical and the treadmill. So i waited a bit for my son to finish his
homework and went back down. They were still there. aaaarg So i was like whatever I guess my son and i can
do the weights. So these dum cunts were talking to each other and i could tell right off they are the kinda self
important bitches i hate. They were talking about some girl they knew and how she would be pretty if she didn't
have all the tattoos and piercing she has. And then the one bitch was talking to the other about a "anything but
clothing" party at a local bar and the other one says no thanks if i wanna look at freaks i'll go to the tattoo
parlor. Sooo my blood is already boiling but i try to just finish working out and ignore them. Then she starts
talking about how this girl with the tatoos is a stripper and her boyfriend is in prison...and she says you know
how all strippers do way more than their supposed to anyway. Keep in mind my 13 year old son is hearing all
this as he is working out right next to me. I lost my mind. I ripped my radio off the shelf and said "c'mon edan
let's go" and ran outta there before i punched one of them in the jaw!!! I wanted to give them an earful but i
think one of them lives on my floor and i have to live here peacefully for the time being. I hate ignorant fucking
broads like that! I am so wound up now!!!

original before i went. I was unaware there was an original until my dad told me about it he had a copy from his
friend he let me borrow. I think you get a lot more out of the new one if you have watched the old one. So for
those of you who haven't ....do it....do it now. On another note....I have a gym downstairs in my building....well
i guess that's being charitable it's more of a workout room. It has one treadmill, one eleptical, one bike, and a
pull weight system thing. Usually no one is down there. But of course I went down to go work out and to
middle-age cunts were taking up the eliptical and the treadmill. So i waited a bit for my son to finish his
homework and went back down. They were still there. aaaarg So i was like whatever I guess my son and i can
do the weights. So these dum cunts were talking to each other and i could tell right off they are the kinda self
important bitches i hate. They were talking about some girl they knew and how she would be pretty if she didn't
have all the tattoos and piercing she has. And then the one bitch was talking to the other about a "anything but
clothing" party at a local bar and the other one says no thanks if i wanna look at freaks i'll go to the tattoo
parlor. Sooo my blood is already boiling but i try to just finish working out and ignore them. Then she starts
talking about how this girl with the tatoos is a stripper and her boyfriend is in prison...and she says you know
how all strippers do way more than their supposed to anyway. Keep in mind my 13 year old son is hearing all
this as he is working out right next to me. I lost my mind. I ripped my radio off the shelf and said "c'mon edan
let's go" and ran outta there before i punched one of them in the jaw!!! I wanted to give them an earful but i
think one of them lives on my floor and i have to live here peacefully for the time being. I hate ignorant fucking
broads like that! I am so wound up now!!!

Damn thats such bullshit on many levels.
Thankee ma'am!!