It appears my attempt at romance in 2011 has crashed and burned. i have not quite figured out how or the why just that it has. I have a knack for fucking up things I suppose. I'm trying not to think about it. I went and worked out like a fiend for a while trying to get in shape for my vacation. It can't come soon enough. I keep having dreams about california. I just went and saw that movie "True grit". Great film, highly recommended. I want to watch "Black Swan" as well but my brother is up from Massachusetts and I didn't think he would be into watching that. Well I have come to realize I need to get off my ass and make things happen for myself this year. I can't go through another year of stagnation and absolute
Naw it was good I got stuck in LV so it was way better than being here, it will be weird not being in LV but it should still be ok.
You can do it!