Wow! Totally fucking crazy day! It is pretty much the blizzard of the century here right now. Got about a foot of snow today. I was bartending this morning and I was in a panic because I made 3 dollars yesterday so i reeeally needed to make money today. So we actually got a slight rush for a minute despite the weather. So i made 30 bux not great but it was gas and food money at least. So i had no sleep because I was so stressed all i wanted to do was go home. My whole face is peeling right now from the dry heat from the heater in my place so I have been trying to exfoliate to death but to no avail. So my boss asks me if I will stay till 5 cuz he called off the 4 oclock bartender. I reluctantly agreed. So the roads were sooo super bad the 5 oclock girl calls and said she is running super late. Shit! I knew it was gonna happen. 6 oclock rolls around she's still not there. The 6 oclock guy is late too neither of them got there till quarter to 7. I was getting my ass handed to me I had a full bar and was by myself. I cashed out like two guys but most of the bar I had to transfer to them just so I could leave. So i only made 37 bux. aaaarg I smashed half a beer and head out. Of course my car is under 2 feet of snowbrush...I forgot to wear socks...aaand my car battery was dead. I got a jump finally got on the road but the roads were so bad it took me twice as long to get home I didn't get home till after 8 and I have to work a double tomorrow too. The service industry sux!!!!!
thank you for your comment on my set !

Where you able to cuddle up after and get warm after it all at least?