*smacks TANK_Ex_Mortis HARD for being impatient*
So... I'm new to SG and message groups in general but I went to SG Cedar Point and I figured what the hell, I'll see what it's all about. I work a lot and between that, the woman, and life in general I won't be posting tons unlike some uber geek I know (alex) I'll try not to piss too many people off
although I do tend to do that naturally. Anyway i'll meet some of you, and the rest, well I won't know what i'm missing so oh well.
So... I'm new to SG and message groups in general but I went to SG Cedar Point and I figured what the hell, I'll see what it's all about. I work a lot and between that, the woman, and life in general I won't be posting tons unlike some uber geek I know (alex) I'll try not to piss too many people off

man...there is plenty of stuff to make fun of tank about.

plus go join this group. its tanks and he neglects it but its way cool and needs more members and a little more traffic.