i need a beer
is that too much to ask
(and dont tell me if i was there i could have one.. that dosent help)
PS- I was going to shoot a set... but i think i changed my mind.. this place is giving me second guesses
EDIT: for your reading ENTERTAINMENT.. this is why greggster is my #1 BITCH! (all in reference to shuving a corn dog in Martha Stewarts corn hole) via aol
greggster: whats a corn hole?
Saida: its where whole corn comes out after you already chewed it! EWWWWWWW
greggster: LMAO @ corn hole
Saida: HAHAHAHAHAHA i am gonna yak!
greggster: We rule!!!
Saida: pretty much Id say
greggster: I love how while being sincerely concerned for our dear friend we can go that far off topic at the drop of a.....umm cornhole
Saida: droppin corn holes like hiroshime
Saida: hiroshima rather
greggster: its like a corn hole SHUCK and awe!
Saida: hahaha
Saida: tis the right time of year for corn i must add
greggster: maybe Martha needs a horn o plenty in the ol keester
Saida: hahahaha
Saida: Marthas got that white cheezy puffy corn and shit
greggster: LOL
greggster: I love you more than Journey!!
Saida: OH SHIT!
Saida: thats incredible
greggster: Faithfully even
Saida: wow, Im at a loss for words
greggster: loss for words or not....Don't stop believin
greggster: does that make you hornay baaaaby?
greggster: haha
greggster: I actually said that as I typed it
Saida: yeeeeea
greggster: = dork ass
Saida: hahahahahahahaha I LOVE IT!
Saida: ass' of dorks are the kewlest
Saida: and its reall KEWL to spell it that way
greggster: you mean that is NOT the only way to spell it?
greggster: next time someone asks me how I am....I will say...Im Kewler than a Dork's Ass!!!
Saida: we should get that tattoo
Saida: tattood on our dork ass'!
greggster: you should get "Kewler than a" on your ass....
greggster: I will get "dorks ass" on mine
Saida: werd!
greggster: its like our own BFF
Saida: YES!
greggster: locket
Saida: omg
greggster: who needs a half a gay heart when you have ass tats
Saida: we will have the best wardrobe in the continental us of a
Saida: total ass tats brah
greggster: and the raddest butt cheeks
greggster: omg ....listen to this romance.......
greggster: much like our ass tats.....seperately we seem odd.....but together...it just all makes sense
greggTHEpunk: Damn I should write for Hallmark
Saida: and our picutre should be on the card
Saida: running through a field of
Saida: squash
greggster: ooooooooooooor....corn perhaps?
Saida: did you know you can deep fry the flowers or zuccini
is that too much to ask
(and dont tell me if i was there i could have one.. that dosent help)
PS- I was going to shoot a set... but i think i changed my mind.. this place is giving me second guesses
EDIT: for your reading ENTERTAINMENT.. this is why greggster is my #1 BITCH! (all in reference to shuving a corn dog in Martha Stewarts corn hole) via aol
greggster: whats a corn hole?
Saida: its where whole corn comes out after you already chewed it! EWWWWWWW
greggster: LMAO @ corn hole
Saida: HAHAHAHAHAHA i am gonna yak!
greggster: We rule!!!
Saida: pretty much Id say
greggster: I love how while being sincerely concerned for our dear friend we can go that far off topic at the drop of a.....umm cornhole
Saida: droppin corn holes like hiroshime
Saida: hiroshima rather
greggster: its like a corn hole SHUCK and awe!
Saida: hahaha
Saida: tis the right time of year for corn i must add
greggster: maybe Martha needs a horn o plenty in the ol keester
Saida: hahahaha
Saida: Marthas got that white cheezy puffy corn and shit
greggster: LOL
greggster: I love you more than Journey!!
Saida: OH SHIT!
Saida: thats incredible
greggster: Faithfully even
Saida: wow, Im at a loss for words
greggster: loss for words or not....Don't stop believin
greggster: does that make you hornay baaaaby?
greggster: haha
greggster: I actually said that as I typed it
Saida: yeeeeea
greggster: = dork ass
Saida: hahahahahahahaha I LOVE IT!
Saida: ass' of dorks are the kewlest
Saida: and its reall KEWL to spell it that way
greggster: you mean that is NOT the only way to spell it?
greggster: next time someone asks me how I am....I will say...Im Kewler than a Dork's Ass!!!
Saida: we should get that tattoo
Saida: tattood on our dork ass'!
greggster: you should get "Kewler than a" on your ass....
greggster: I will get "dorks ass" on mine
Saida: werd!
greggster: its like our own BFF
Saida: YES!
greggster: locket
Saida: omg
greggster: who needs a half a gay heart when you have ass tats
Saida: we will have the best wardrobe in the continental us of a
Saida: total ass tats brah
greggster: and the raddest butt cheeks
greggster: omg ....listen to this romance.......
greggster: much like our ass tats.....seperately we seem odd.....but together...it just all makes sense
greggTHEpunk: Damn I should write for Hallmark
Saida: and our picutre should be on the card
Saida: running through a field of
Saida: squash
greggster: ooooooooooooor....corn perhaps?
Saida: did you know you can deep fry the flowers or zuccini
Even if you were here, you couldn't drink my beer....cause I drank it all.....BUT I GOT SOME WHISKEY!
wut up butt