- on Rear View with Lips in ass appreciation
- on What are you reading right now? in lit club
- on What are you doing today, tomorrow, right now, this second? in no friends
- on sagegrey's video
- on Would you cuddle with the poster above you? in silliness
- on What does the person before you SMELL like? in silliness
Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I've posted or checked in. I've been doing a lot and I've learned a lot over the past year. I have a friend who's a SG, not a hopeful (close friend I've known forever). We sat down about 6 months ago and chatted about the site and what she wanted to do and where I wanted...
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I'm going to make a little blog post of my recent activities and where I've been and where I plan on going from here! Hope you all are doing wonderful and had a great New Year!
hey everyone! I haven't been on here in a little while and I just wanted to let you know I'm thinkin about you!:)
I've got so much going on with work and a lot more coming up. I *should* be cleaning my room, but it's really dark and rainy outside. I just feel like napping with my pup.
What do you do to get motivated on dreary days?
Hey everyone! I'm Sage, and I'm really excited to be here as a Hopeful. Thank you so much for all the kind words! Feel free to leave a message or comment, I'd love to talk to you all and get to know everyone a little better!