Ok! This one is hard! Hmmm... alright then... in the world of astronomy, distances literally do go forever! But even if we did reach the edge of our universe though practically impossible because it continues to expand and not only expand but it's expanding FASTER! but have you ever taken the time to think "what lays beyond that line? If our universe is expanding then there's obviously an outside to it.take a balloon for instance, when you blow it up if it has enough rubber (matter) and no walls to block it then it can keep expanding right? Imagine the outside of a balloon the outside of our universe.. there are many many many theories of what lies beyond? A popular one is other universes! Is it possible we are just one of the universes apart of a multiverse? What about black holes? What lies beyond the event horizon? What's a event horizon? The line of no return... past this point not even light can escape it's humongous forces of gravity. But what's inside of a black hole? Well obviously allot of mass. I mean allot! But where is the mass? The matter that had been sucked in? Well it's easy to think of it like a nutron star it's only as big as maybe 10 or 20 miles in diameter but it can weigh something like a billion of our stars. But they call it a hole for a reason. Yes because it looks like a dark hole in space. You can't see the actually thing that created the hole in the first place. Ever think that it truly is a hole and it opens On the other end of the hole? Hmmm... I dunno done facts and done things to ponder...
Some fundamental questions, will we ever know the answers? There are some theories now that suggest that black holes do not end in a singularity, thus no event horizon or information loss. This even gives the possibility that at the core of the black hole is a portal to another part of the universe, or even into an entirely different universe! Fascinating stuff indeed!
Yes I've been reading that was going to write it but didn't want to confuse any body so I stuck with the 101 stuff