Today I decided to make a post on my facebook, and I've been thinking a lot and I decided to share this here too!
6 years ago (I was 14), a school boy I studied resolved to shoot my webcam nudes and spread to the entire school. And the school was too big. On the day it happened, I arrived at school and all people were looking at my photos on their phones and cursing me and turning his faces to me. No one spoke to me. All turned their backs on me, even my friends. I walked through the halls and was called by all derogatory and dirty names you can imagine, my best friend said she could no longer walk with me, or be my friend because I was with a bad reputation and she didn't wants to be with a bad reputation too. I thought my world was over, I thought it would be "burned" because of these photos forever! At times I felt dirty, perverted, ashamed of what I've done.. But I always had my head up right, and even without any support remained at that school. Firm, strong and alone. But I knew, deep down, that I was not wrong, I was actually a victim. I suffered an intense bullying for 3 years with no one to support me and stay by my side. I confess that I thought I'd kill myself several times because I was sick of everything and because I thought it would never pass. And today I am here as an alternative model, posing nude and I'm proud of who I am and being proud of my body! I decided to share this to say to women that they are strong! If someone leak your intimacies, stay strong, face it, the victim is you! I hope no one ever needs to go through this sort of thing, but I am glad today the support to womans is much better and that women are more aware!
Stay strong!
With all my love,
Luri <3