Hello guys, how are you doing?
Today I'm gonna talk about what I'm thankful this year, which is the blog homework for this week created by @rambo, @missy and @lyxzen! So lets go!
First of all, in April this year I finally got out of my mother's house to live alone! I moved from another State and ended up living away from all my family and all my friends, which turned out to be very good because I could start a new life! I conquered new things, met amazing people , made new friends and it was the trigger for a lot of other good things to happen in my life!! And I1m very grateful to have had the opportunity to start my own life all by myself!
This change generated a lot of other good things, as I said. This year was the year I started modeling and was recruited by the amazing @Jacqueline to be a hopeful here! Being on this site was one of the best things that happened to me. I started to know me better, know my body, I acceptee myself and started to feel beautiful as I am. Also made me want to change my look and finally had the courage to change the color of my hair and make more tattoos!
Here in Suicide I also met amazing people around the world, and also some girls who live very close to me, the Brazilian hopefuls! I conquered friendships that surely I will take for all my life as my friendship with @lyamoon, @Ivylina and @nwalmn. These girls are my best friends here and they help me so much... I know I can count on them for everything I need, even knowing that two of them living so far from me! I also have the pleasure to know the brazilian girls, that are part of my life now: @krishna, @steeh, @littlejoy, @fran, @hilo, @stermartins, @kaarla, @alexwolf, @lyn, @bellatoxic, @vaniislima, @abrussezzi, @serenna, @nanproenca, @lollaax, @kamillaknox, @cintia and others! I'm greatful to have @tanyabat, @thunderr, @anchee, @lita, @elleadore by my side, as a good friends, thank you girls! I'm also glad to have a chance to know about some beautiful girls that I admire and inspires me a lot as @dutch, @shamandalie, @eirenne, @moony, @comet!
This is a pic that represents my friendship with Lya and Ivy! Hahaha
Well, this year I became a photographer! YEY! I love my work so badly... My first set as photographer will be in MR very soon, and I'm sou proud and so excited! With this my new life, living alone I grew up a lot! I turned into someone else, a much better person than the person I was, and I think that was my greatest achievement in my life this year. After all what I seek every year is to be a better person than I was the year before!
And I almost forgot! I stopped smoking cigarettes for about 5 months! I'm so sorry for talking to much... But this year was a very important year for me... Many good things happened and I have so much to thank!
I hope you guys liked it... <3
With love,