Hello boys and girls How you doing? Did you notice that in 10 days is HALLOWEEN???? I love halloween so much, it's my favorite day of year. Really. And I love halloween costumes, love seeing all people dessed up, I love dressing up. I love Halloween clime, all the decorations and Halloween parties. I love Halloween parties!
So, this reminds me the blog homework for this week, created by @missy, @rambo and @lyxzen: What are the best Halloween costumes you have ever seen? Well, here in Brazil most people dont have the custom to do Halloween costumes to go Halloween parties, which I think is pretty boring , so I had to go to the movies to choose the best costume I've ever seen! And the best costume is from Cady Heron, Lindsay Lohan on Mean Girls (yes, I fucking love this movie).
She is a a kind of corpse bride, and it's amazing! I think that costumes for Halloween has to be based on halloween stuff or based on horror and scary stories stories/caracther! Last week I did an Halloween photoshoot based on Lords of Salem from Rob Zombie!
Hope you liked it!
And you, tell me about the best cosutme you've ever seen!
See you soon,
With love,
Luri! <3