Hi people! How are you? I just arrived from my trip and I'm all messed up haha but I took my time to do the homework blog this week that is about a very important subject: haters! Thank you @missy, @rambo and @lyxzen to do such an important topic!
I, from very small until I was 18 suffered so much bullying. Especially at school. Have reached throw food at me, I spent many luch times on school eating alone in the bathroom and etc. I received a lot of bad comments about my appearance, and from my 15 years I started getting ofenses to be who I am (the criticism to my appearance continued). So I think I have EXPERIENCE enough to talk about how to handle haters.
What did I do to overcome this was all develop self-esteem. Self-esteem is the best thing to combat all forms of free hate. I learned that I was beautiful in my way and I like the way I was, I learn to love myself and that learn that I was special, I learn that no one could tell me I was not goo enough. So, they could call me everything they want, I knew now that I'm good enough to myself! That is what matters.
The second part was see that the haters are bad people, are people who don't have love in their lives, who are unhappy and bored with their own lives. These people needs to reduce the other to inflate a petty ego. I saw that kind of person deserves that I feel sorry for their. These people dont deserve us to spend our energies, dont deserve us to take the smile off our faces.
And third, I understood that there is no one in this world who will be able to please everyone. I understand that I will never please everyone and everything is fine, not everyone will like me! And: Hatters gonna hate!
So now fuck the haters! I love myself for HOW I AM! I'm little weird, akward and crazy, but that is who and I love it!
I hope I can help you in some way to deal with haters! Love youselfs first!
With love,