Hello guys!!! In this beautiful monday I'll do another amazing blog homework!
This week blog homework created by @rambo and @missy is....
Who is your celebrity spirit animal?
I've been think a lot about this... Really, a lot... Actually I'm writing this but I don't know the answer yet!! Ok... I think I've made my decision and between Rob Zombie and Yo Landi I think both are my spirit animal but Yo Landi is more!
First of all, and I think the most important is the fact that Yo Landi was poor and lived in a poor neighborhood in South Africa. Until one day she mets the Ninja, they started dating and created art together to talk about the problems of the region where they live. They finally get attention with Die Antwoord (one of my favs bands ever) and now she is famous and rich hahaha! She managed all this without corrupted herself, doing exactly what she belives. This is my dream, this what I want. This is what I do of my life.
She is a cute kind of freak... But she is so freak! She never cares about what people will think about her, she is 100% HERSELF. My "philosophy of life" is that everybody sholud be like this... Just be you. Be yourself you'll be much happier when you do it! And she loves to be weird and we support weirdness!
I think she is stunning! She is perfect and I love her style... She is sexy on her own kinda of way! And she does whatever she wants with her body, her body, her rules! She doesnt care about the criticals!
She is soo short and so am I hahaha and she is cute like this, and I like to be short too haha!
She is amazing, we have a lot in commum and she is my greatest inspiration!
Everyday I inspire myself with an excerpt from a song from her band: "Fuck, this is like
The coolest song I ever heard in my whole life
Fuck all of you who said I wouldn't make it
Who said I was a loser
They said I was a no-one
They said I was a fuckin' psycho
But look at me now:
All up on the interweb
World-wide, 2009"
This is it guys.... Don't forget to give love to my first set: CRUSH ON HEROES
with Love...